Saturday, July 20, 2019

Welcome to Term Three

We have made it half way through 2019 in Room 6 and it is now time to tackle Term 3! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and hearing some stories from your holidays and this weeks blogging task will help me with that.

Your task is to write a blog post with three facts about your holidays - but here's the catch - two are true and one is a lie! We will try to work out which one is made up, and which two actually happened.

Here is an example about my holidays:

These holidays, I had a family birthday party to celebrate my birthday. Lots of my family made an effort to come and celebrate with me, including my Mum, Grandmother, Aunties and Cousins. We had pizza for dinner and a berry brownie cheesecake for dessert which was delicious! I feel incredibly grateful for the amazing family I have.

While I was in Melbourne, I broke my pinky toe. I was running to catch the tram while wearing sandals and when I went to cross the road my foot twisted and my toe took the impact! Luckily it isn't too sore now, but it is still strapped to the toe next to it to help it recover.

I ate truffles for the first time in my life these holidays! For those of you who don't know what truffles are, they are a type of fungi fruit, and you only eat tiny slithers of them. I had them on top of a pasta dish. The truffles tasted very different to what I expected, but I quite liked them. Unfortunately, they are quite expensive so I won't be eating them again anytime soon!

Can you work out which of these three is the lie, and which two are true? Leave me a comment if you think you know!


  1. I think the first one is a lie

  2. I think the second paragraph is the lie

  3. the one about melbourne is a lie. if she had gone tomelbourne she would have told us and we would be able to tell.

  4. Hi Miss McGowan I think the one about the truffles is fake.
