Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Term Four Week One

Welcome back... and to the final term of the year!! This weeks blogging task asks you to look ahead to next year and to High School. Spend 5 minutes considering how you are feeling, and then write detailed answers to the questions below in a blog post.

- How are you feeling about going to High School? Use at least 5 different descriptive words.
- What is the one thing you are most excited about at High School? Why?
- What is one thing you will miss about OIS?


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week Nine Blogging Task

Read the story starter below and continue writing your own blog post based on this. Use the picture prompt to help your imagination.

The dinosaurs all gave a simultaneous roar... it was coming. Moments before, the lake had been quiet and peaceful. As the golden sun rose above the shadowy, jagged mountains on the horizon, creatures came from far and wide to enjoy an early morning drink from the cool lake. Then they heard the noise... footsteps in the distance. Thump.... thump... thump... it could only be one thing...