Sunday, June 30, 2019

Week Ten Blogging Task

This week for your blogging, choose one of the below options. There are not 100 word limits on these blog posts, so provide lots of detail for your readers! Enjoy your last blogging task of Term Two!

  • Read a short story on Epic, and then write a review of the book on your blog. Make sure you include the title and author as well as details on the setting, characters and plot. 
  • Create a "Top 10" list. It can be your top 10 of anything - for example, your top 10 moments so far this year, top 10 favourite TV movies, top 10 songs.
  • Make a quiz for your readers on any topic. Post the link on your blog for them to try it out.
  • If you had three wishes, what would they be and why?
  • Imagine you were the principal of OIS for one day. What would do in that one day? Think about things you would change, including what students did that day!

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